Chronic Pain – About Mara – A Natural Path Back to Health

Mara Gerke CNHP Herbalist Health Coach Chronic Pain Managing Chronic Pain
Mara’s Journey

My journey toward wellness began in 1994 when managing chronic pain became my main focus. I received my diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy / Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD / CRPS) that year. For those of you who do not know, RSD / CRPS is a complex condition where its primary symptom is chronic pain. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear; however, at least I knew what was wrong with me.

So many people with RSD/CRPS don’t find out what is wrong with them for years. They live with not managing or understanding their chronic pain. This is really hard to deal with and can be heartbreaking for so many! In 1994, before the internet, I traveled to the local medical school’s library and searched for information on RSD / CRPS. It was important that I learn all I could about RSD /CRPS and its treatment options.  I believe that an educated patient makes the best decisions!

Creating a Healthier Lifestyle

The information I read wasn’t exciting. However, I had no choice but to deal with it. They say God never gives you more than you can handle. I would usually agree with that. On that day, after reading all the information on RSD, it was hard for me to take. Looking at managing chronic pain seemed endless. My best friend asked me if I would ask for a miracle. I decided I wouldn’t. Instead, I asked for a level of pain I could live with and just enough pain every so often to remember where I had been.

We all know that God’s time isn’t the same as ours. Finally, in 2005, my prayers were answered, and my pain and many symptoms were relieved. Being introduced to the SOQI Wellness Products was instrumental in helping me continue my journey. The SOQI Products and changing my lifestyle habits helped me get off four of my five medications. Today, I am more active than I ever thought I would be.

My Passion for Helping Others

Building a wellness lifestyle begins with you, the person you see in the mirror. You are responsible for your health! Since 1994, as I progressed down my own path toward wellness, I have made lots of changes. You can say I took a more holistic approach to managing chronic pain. I quit smoking and changed my diet to a more nutrient-dense diet (Eat to Live). I also began exercising, taking nutritional supplements and herbs from Nature’s Sunshine, and using the SOQI Natural Health Products every day.

Natural chronic pain relief is possible even if I am not 100% pain-free. It’s nice to be living again! I have more energy, less inflammation, and am better able to do what I want. For years, I shared my journey and coping skills with others during chronic pain support groups I facilitated. Now, I share my journey with you throughout our blog and by working with individuals one-on-one or with one of our online wellness programs. One of the best places to start creating a healthy lifestyle is our Healthy Habits Challenge, an email program with monthly Q & A’s!

Continuing my Education in Natural Health

In 2005, I decided to continue my education in natural health. The training and certifications are many, and I am continually learning by attending classes. I am a Professional Certified Aromatherapist (CA), Certified Herbalist (CH), and Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP). I am also a retired Coach and Facilitator for a  Chronic Pain Support Group. I have also received training and certifications as an IN.FORM Health Coach, Craniosacral Therapy, and Nutritional Muscle Testing.

Our health reflects what we put into our bodies, what we put on our bodies, how much we move our bodies, our thoughts, and our spiritual beliefs. I can not stress how important I believe these things are for our health, especially with the rise of lifestyle diseases.  Daily, I focus on prayer, gratitude, diet, exercise, loving thoughts, and sharing my journey with others. I still have not met anyone who told me they got better from laying in bed and eating cheeseburgers.

My Goals

Helping Others Learn to Invest in Themselves

One of the most frustrating things I have learned is that when people spend money on a car, they tend to take care of it. They ensure they use good oil, gasoline, and the proper fluids and keep it tuned. However, when it comes to their health, many spend less time maintaining their bodies tuned up. There isn’t a magic pill, not from the natural health field or the doctors. We all have to rely on our bodies as our mode of transportation. It’s time to acknowledge that the ride you experience is largely based upon your input and how you treat yourself. Be good to yourself!

So, take a lesson from me: make changes before something forces you to change. Take care of yourself today! If something has already happened, focus on doing the best with what you have. Make sure to take the time to educate yourself on your diagnosis. Learn what treatment options, both naturally and traditionally, are available. Most importantly, determine what you are and are not willing to do. Remember, the choice is yours. It’s your health, and it’s your life—participate!

“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.” — Deepak Chopra

A few of my Favorite Things

  • Favorite Movie – There are two, actually. It’s a Wonderful and Rocky. It’s important to remember how many lives are impacted by yours, and you have to love the underdog spirit! The attitude of I think I can is so important!
  • Favorite Music – Rock and Roll
  • Favorite Hobby – Hiking, Boating, Camping – Got to be Outdoors.
  • Favorite Book – Besides Wellness, Herbs and Oils – Thrillers and Mysteries!

Faith and Hope

Love my Dog

P.S. – My strong faith in God kept me company as I traveled through my 20-year journey. Leaning on God for strength and my family and friends continues to keep me going. I genuinely believe all creatures are gifts from God, especially man’s best friend. Those who know me know that I am an animal lover! The picture on the left is me with my dog, Duke. Duke, sadly, is no longer with us. He brought me lots of love and smiles, and I still remember our walks in the woods!